Hi! Meet our son Sunny Dave.
Since the day he turned six
he’s been obsessed with learning
how to do magic tricks.
He wants to be a magician.
He’s working on that.
He loves to dress up in
his cape and black hat.
I don’t know how he does it.
He makes cards disappear
and yesterday he pulled
a quarter out of my ear!
We haven’t told him this yet,
but we’ve got tickets to go
to Zippo’s Abracadabra
Midnight Magic Show!
I’ve heard at the end of the show
Zippo has a surprise.
He disappears in a cloud of smoke
right before your eyes!
I like magic shows too.
How do magicians do it?
I’ll let you know how it goes.
I’m looking forward to it.
BUT if they start cutting any bunnies in half, I am OUT OF THERE!
Just saying…